
Selected recent publications by FACTAGE researchers

Recent publications from FACTAGE Researchers


Barslund, M. (2019). Policies for an Ageing Workforce: Work-life balance, working conditions and equal opportunities Edited volume

Fechter, C. (2019). Propensities to work at an old age: Acknowledging differences in Active Ageing? Dissertation for the degree Doctor of Social Sciences (Dr. rer. pol.)

Klotz, J. and Göllner, T. (2019). Estimating Differential Mortality from EU-SILC Longitudinal Data Additional Technical Information. FACTAGE – WP 4, Deliverable 4.3

Special issue of the German Review of Social Policy

FACTAGE special issue of Sozialer Fortschritt - Socio-Economic Dimensions in Extended Working Lives Fechter, C. and Sesselmeier, D. (2019). Socio-Economic Dimensions in Extended Working Lives. Sozialer Fortschritt, Vol. 68 (2019), Iss. 4: pp. 253–254.

FACTAGE special issue of Sozialer Fortschritt - Socio-Economic Dimensions in Extended Working Lives Mosquera, I., Yolanda, G-R., Unai, M. and Bacigalupe, A. (2019). Socio-Economic Inequalities in Life Expectancy and Health Expectancy at Age 50 and over in European Countries - Insights for the Debate on Pension Policies. Sozialer Fortschritt, Vol. 68 (2019), Iss. 4: pp. 255–288.

FACTAGE special issue of Sozialer Fortschritt - Socio-Economic Dimensions in Extended Working Lives Cebulla, A., Hudson-Sharp, N., Stokes, L. and Wilkinson, D. (2019). Work-Life Imbalance in Extended Working Lives: Domestic Divisions of Labour and Partners’ Perceptions of Job Pressures of Non-Retiring Older Workers. Sozialer Fortschritt, Vol. 68 (2019), Iss. 4: pp. 289–311.

FACTAGE special issue of Sozialer Fortschritt - Socio-Economic Dimensions in Extended Working Lives Fechter, C. (2019). New Modes, New Challenges? The Influence of Extended Working Lives on the Late Employment Phase in Germany. Sozialer Fortschritt, Vol. 68 (2019), Iss. 4: pp. 313–338.

FACTAGE special issue of Sozialer Fortschritt - Socio-Economic Dimensions in Extended Working Lives Bönisch, M., Peterbauer, J. and Stöger, E. (2019). Skills Mismatch, Earnings and Job Satisfaction among Older Workers. Sozialer Fortschritt, Vol. 68 (2019), Iss. 4: pp. 339–370.

FACTAGE special issue of Sozialer Fortschritt - Socio-Economic Dimensions in Extended Working Lives Barslund, M. and Schomaker, L. (2019). Grandparental Childcare and Parent’s Labour Supply: Evidence from Europe. Sozialer Fortschritt, Vol. 68 (2019), Iss. 4: pp. 371–391.

Cebulla, A. and Wilkinson, D. (2019). Responses to an Ageing Workforce: Germany, Spain, the United Kingdom.Business Systems Research Journal 10 (1), 120-137

Barslund, M., Bauknecht, J. and Cebulla, A. (2019). Working conditions and retirement: How important are HR policies in prolonging working life?.Management Revue

Fechter, C. (2019). The role of health in flexible working arrangements in Germany - Avenues to a longer working life? Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie.

Klotz, J. and Göllner, T. (2019). Differential Mortality: Estimation and Implications for Pension Systems. FACTAGE – WP 4, Deliverable 4.2

Backhaus, A. and Barslund, M. (2019). The Effect of Grandchildren on Grandparental Labour Supply: Evidence from Europe. SHARE Working Paper Series 34-2019


Haupt, M., Sesselmeier, W. and Yollu-Tok, A. (2018). Das Nudging-Konzept und die Altersvorsorge – der Blick nach Schweden. Vierteljahreshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 2/2018, 17-31.

Martín, U., Domínguez-Rodríguez, A. and Bacigalupe, A. (2018). Social inequalities in health in the older population: an insight into the debate on delayed retirement age in Spain from a public health perspective 2018. Gaceta Sanitaria.

Klotz, J., Göllner, T. and Gärtner, K. (2018). Case Study: The Impact of Retirement on Subjective Well-Being in Austria - An Analysis of National EU-SILC Data

Göllner, T., and Klotz, J. (2018). Editing EU-SILC UDB Longitudinal Data for Differential Mortality Analyses - SAS code and documentation

Bönisch, M., Peterbauer, J. and Stöger, E. (2018). Skills mismatch, earnings and job satisfaction among older workers

Mosquera, I., González-Rábago, Y, Martín, U. and Bacigalupe, A. (2018). Review of socio-economic inequalities in life expectancy and health expectancy in Europe


Fechter, C. and Sesselmeier (2017). Research Report on the Changing Labour Market Conditions for Older Workers

Hans, J. P., Hofmann, S., Sesselmeier, W. and Yollu-Tok, A. (2017). Employment Insurance – Costs and Benefts

Klotz, J. & Göllner, T. (2017). Estimating Differential Mortality from EU-SILC Longitudinal Data. A Feasibility Study. FACTAGE Report 4.1

Barslund, M, Werder, M. v. and Zaidi, A. (2017). Inequality in active ageing: evidence from a new individual-level index for European countries.Ageing & Society. DOI: 10.1017/S0144686X17001052

Barslund, M & Werder, M. v. (2017). Measuring ageing using National Transfer Accounts. Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2016 (Vol. 14), pp. 155–185. DOI: 10.1553/populationyearbook2016s155

González-Rábago Y, Rodriguez-Álvarez E, Borrell LN, Martín U. (2017) The role of birthplace and educational attainment on induced abortion inequalities.BMC Public Health, 17:69

Mosquera I, González-Rábago Y, Bacigalupe A, Suhrcke M. (2017). The impact of fiscal policies on the socioeconomic determinants of health: a structured review. International Journal of Health Services 2017;47(2):189-206.

Rodriguez-Álvarez E, González-Rábago Y, Borrell LN, Lanborena N. (2017). . Perceived discrimination and self-rated health in the immigrant population of the Basque Country, Spain. Gaceta Sanitaria

Roy, D., Weyman, A., George, A. and Hudson-Sharp, N. (2017). A qualitative study of working longer for physiotherapists in the United Kingdom’s National Health Service, Ageing and Society. DOI:

Runge, J., Hudson-Sharp, N. and Rolfe, H. (2017). Use of Agency Workers in the Public Sector. London: Office of Manpower Economics.

Stokes, L., Bryson, A., Bewley, H. and Forth, J. (2017). Older workers and the workplace: Evidence from the Workplace Employment Relations Survey. DWP Research Report No. 939, Department for Work and Pensions.

Zaidi, A and K. Howse (2017) ‘The Policy Discourse of Active Ageing: Some Reflections’, J of Population Ageing, DOI 10.1007/s12062-017-9174-6


Bacigalupe A, Esnaola S, Martín U. (2016). The impact of the Great Recession on mental health and its inequalities: the case of a Southern European region, 1997–2013.International Journal for Equity in Health; 2016 15:17

Bacigalupe A, Shahidi FV, Muntaner C, Martín U, Borrell B. (2016). Why is there so Much controversy Regarding the Population Health Impact of the Great Recession? Reflections on three case studies. International Journal of Health Services. 2016;46(1):5-35

Bacigalupe A, Esnaola S, Martín U. (2016). The impact of the Great Recession on mental health and its inequalities: the case of a Southern European region, 1997–2013.International Journal for Equity in Health; 2016 15:17

Bauknecht, J. and A. Cebulla (2016). Extending Working Lives - Sticks and Carrots to Get the Older Unemployed Back into Employment. Intereconomics, Volume 51, May/June 2016, Number 3, 134-139.

Barslund, M & Werder, M. (2016). Measuring ageing and the need for longer working lives in the EU. CEPS working Document.

Bothfeld, Silke/Sesselmeier, Werner (2016). Arbeitsmarktpolitik. in: Mause, Karsten/Müller, Christian/Schubert, Klaus (Hrsg.) (2016): Politik und Wirtschaft: Ein integratives Kompendium, Wiesbaden, doi:10.1007/978-3-658-06476-1_14-1.

Zaidi, A., K. Gasior, B. Marin, R. Rodrigues, A. Schmidt, and E. Zolyomi (2016), ‘Measuring active ageing in Europe’, Journal of European Social Policy, 1–20, DOI: 10.1177/0958928716676550.


Dickens, R., Riley, R., and Wilkinson, D. (2015). A Re-examination of the Impact of the UK National Minimum Wage on Employment. Economica, Volume 82, Issue 328, October 2015, pp. 841-864. DOI: 10.1111/ecca.12158.

George, A., Metcalf, H., Tufekci, L., and Wilkinson, D. (2015) Understanding age and the labour market. Joseph Rowntree Foundation Report, June 2015.

Earlier works

Martín U, Esnaola S. (2014). Changes in social inequalities in disability-free life expectancy in Southern Europe: the case of the Basque Country.International Journal for Equity in Health. 13, 74, 2014

Sesselmeier, Werner/Haupt, Marlene/Kögel, Manuel (2014). Koordination des gemeinsamen Übergangs in den Ruhestand von Ehepaaren. FNA Projektbericht, Berlin.

van Wanrooy, B., Bewley, H., Bryson, A., Forth, J., Stokes, L. and Wood, S. (2013) Employment Relations in the Shadow of Recession: Findings from the 2011 Workplace Employment Relations Study. Palgrave MacMillan

Cebulla, A. S. Butt and N. Lyon (2007). Working beyond the state pension age in the United Kingdom: the role of working time flexibility and the effects on the home. Ageing and Society, 27, 6, 849-867.