Contributions by ANCIEN Partners to Third Party Events

9 February 2012, Workshop "Finanziare e organizzare l'assistenza continuativa agli anziani in Europa e in Italia" (Financing and Organising Long-Term Care for the Elderly in Europe and in Italy), LUISS Business School, Rome, Italy.

26 January 2012, Family, Gender and the Welfare State seminar series, Oxford Institute of Social Policy, University of Oxford.

12 December 2011, Seminar at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Feldkirchen.

"Typologie von Europäischen Systemen der Langzeitpflege" (Typology of European systems of Long-Term Care), Monika Riedel, IHS.

9 November 2011, Workshop "POLITICHE E INDICATORI DI QUALITÀ NELL’ASSISTENZA CONTINUATIVA ALL’ANZIANO. La situazione italiana nel contesto Europeo" (Quality Assurance Policies and Indicators of Long-Term Care for the Elderly. The situation in Italy and in Europe). Co-located at the Conference: FORUM SULLA NON AUTOSUFFICIENZA, Bologna, Italy. 

20 October 2011, EU Peer Review in Social Protection and Social Inclusion “Closing the gap - in search for ways to deal with expanding care needs and limited resources”, Stockholm.

Presentation of a discussion paper as thematic expert, Monika Riedel, IHS.

13 July 2011, Oral communication at the eight world conference of the International Health Economics Association. Toronto (CAN), 12-15 juli 2011. "Forecasting disability in the European Union." Luc Bonneux, NIDI. Programme at

10-13 July 2011, 8th World Congress on Health Economics, Toronto, Canada.

26 May 2011, The 23rd meeting of REVES, the network of health expectancy and the disablement process, Paris (FR), 23-25 May 2011.  "Forecasting disability in the European Union." Luc Bonneux (NIDI). Conferencebook at

17 May 2011, Interlinks Second Sounding Board Conference, The Hague.

  • Comments Interlinks model,  Esther Mot, CPB. 

29 April 2011, Oral communication at the international annual NIDI workshop ‘Multistate event history analysis. Methodological advances and applications in healthy ageing studies.’ Den Haag (NL), 27 – 29 April 2011,“Long-term care needs in the European Union.” Luc Bonneux, Nicole van der Gaag, Govert Bijwaard and Joop de Beer (NIDI).


28 April 2011, Does Europe care?, European conference on long term care and diversity, Amsterdam.


30 March 2011, Analytical Support on the Socio-Economic Impact of Social Protection Reforms - asisp Annual Network Meeting, Brussels.

10 February 2011, Concluding remarks LTC meeting, Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports, The Hague.

  •  Esther Mot, CPB presented the ANCIEN results to shed further light on the policy lessons of the draft OECD-LTC-study for the Netherlands.

2 December 2010, Meeting with the GVG-committee EU, Gesellschaft für Versicherungswissenschaft und -gestaltung e.V., Berlin.

8–11 September 2010, International Conference on Evidence-based Policy in Long-term Care, London.

7-10 July 2010, 8th European Conference on Health Economics, Connecting Health and Economics, Helsinki.

  Organised session on ANCIEN, Interlinks and Shelter:

19 February 2010, the Interlinks Sounding Board Conference, Brussels.

  •  Esther Mot, CPB and Peter Willemé, FPB commented on preliminary results of Interlinks. 

27 November 2008, the 53rd SIGG conference (Società Italiana di Gerontologia e Geriatria), Florence.

 The joint session on "European Research Projects on Health Systems and Long Term Care of the Elderly" with Interlinks and Shelter

Project Information

Project type: Collaborative Research Project

Start Date: 1 January 2009

End Date: 31 October 2012

Coordinator: Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)

Grant agreement no.: 223483

EU Contribution: 2,712,777.00 €

Project Coordinator: Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)


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